Need Help in College Planning?


Services We Provide


Admissions Tests Preparation - There are many admissions tests in the U.S. such as SAT, PSAT, ACT, and AP exams. These tests are all factors when determining admissions to colleges around the nation. At Compu21, we provide services and opportunities for all students such as having experienced, patient teachers teaching many new ways of analyzing questions and intricate problems, having over 1500 practice questions as well as having competitive prices in the market. By providing one-on-one guidance to determine a student’s strengths and weaknesses in specific areas, it helps students to achieve the best score on admissions tests.

College Listing -A college listing means a list, file, or database of colleges specifically identified for college students. At Compu21, we specialize in determining if a college has a student's intended major, if there's any financial aid, net costs after financial aid, different opportunities for internships or undergraduate research, and the kind of academic experience a college will provide for each student's needs. We also provide students with the best college that fits them based on their intended major.

Extracurricular Activities - An extracurricular activity is any activity you participate in outside of class. It can be associated with your school, such as a sports team or club. They also include any jobs or internships you have had, as well as volunteer work you have performed. At Compu21, we help provide service in guidance to each student which includes extracurriculars and volunteering hours in marketing, computer science, sports, science, and math tutoring as well as providing internships for college applications.

Academic Monitoring and Achievements - A competitive application shows that the applicant has taken the most challenging curriculum available to him or her and that the student has achieved high grades in these courses. At Compu21, we view each student's transcript by providing guidance and determining their strengths and weaknesses in each class, and providing support to maintain a high GPA for a competitive chance to be accepted into high-ranking schools.

Scholarships/FAFSA Application - Scholarships are grants or payments made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other accomplishments. A scholarship is a form of financial support awarded to a student, based on academic achievements or other criteria that may include financial need. At Compu21, we provide ideas and guidance on a student's accomplishments, having access to over 1.5M scholarships, listening to each student's goals, setting adjustments, and providing guidance on each student's scholarship essay.

College Essay Guidance - The college essay is a personal essay that tells an engaging story in 650 words or less. It is comparable to a memoir or creative nonfiction writing, which relates to the author's personal experiences. At Compu21, we provide experienced writers who were admitted into Ivy League schools, to offer guidance and suggestions on each student's thinking process, writing techniques, and essay ideas for colleges around the country.