Course Description


Bookkeeping is the day-to-day gathering, recording, and classifying of financial transactions, such as sales and receipts and purchases and payments, and is the foundation of an accounting system.

Bookkeeping is critical to cash flow because bookkeeping controls the timing of receipts and payments. Bookkeeping also determines whether business information is timely, relevant, and reliable. This course details how bookkeepers perform bookkeeping to increase financial condition, profit, and cash flow and work with their accountant to prepare timely, relevant, and reliable business information.

You will learn

The course enables bookkeepers to:

  • Efficiently, accurately, and productively perform bookkeeping,
  • Provide timely, relevant, and reliable financial information, and
  • Increase financial position, profit, and cash flow.

PART 01: Quickly into QuickBooks


CHAPTER 01: QuickBooks: The heart of your business

  • Why QuickBooks?
  • What explains QuickBooks’ Popularity
  • How to Succeed with QuickBooks

CHAPTER 02: The big Setup

  • QuickBooks Setup
  • Stepping through QuickBooks Setup

CHAPTER 03: Populating QuickBooks Lists

  • Adding items you might include on invoices
  • Creating other wacky items for invoices
  • Editing items
  • Adding Employees to Your Employee List
  • About customers
  • About vendor
  • The other lists
  • Organizing lists
  • Printing lists
  • Exporting list items to your word processor
  • Dealing with the chart of account list

PART 02: Daily Entry Tasks


CHAPTER 04: Creating invoice and Credit memos

  • Invoice customers
  • Prepare invoices
  • Fixing invoice mistakes
  • Preparing a credit memo
  • Taking lessons from history
  • Printing invoices and credit memos
  • Sending invoices and credit memos via email
  • Customizing your invoices and credit memos

CHATPER 05: Reeling in the dough

  • Recording a sales receipt
  • Printing a sales receipt
  • Special tips for retailers
  • Correcting sales receipt mistakes
  • Making bank deposits
  • Improving your cash inflow

CHATPER 06: Paying the bills

  • Pay now or pay later?
  • Recording your bills by writing checks
  • Recording your bills the accounts payable way
  • Paying your bills
  • Tracking Vehicle Mileage
  • Paying Sales Tax

CHATPER 07: Inventory magic

  • Setting up inventory items
  • Recording items that you pay for up front
  • Recording items that don’t come with a bill
  • Paying for items when you get the bill
  • Recording items and paying the bill all at once
  • Customizing a purchase order form
  • Filling out a purchase order
  • Checking up on purchase orders
  • Receiving purchase order items
  • Identifying the components
  • Building the assembly
  • Manually keep separate inventory-by-location counts
  • Use different item numbers for different locations
  • Upgrade to QuickBooks Enterprise Solution
  • How periodic inventory systems work in QuickBooks
  • The good and bad of a periodic inventory

CHAPTER 09: Paying with Plastic

  • Tracking business credit cards
  • Entering credit card transactions
  • Reconciling your credit card statement and paying the bill
  • So what about debit and ATM cards?
  • So what about customer credit cards?

PART 03: Stuff you do from time to time


CHAPTER 10: Printing Checks

  • Printing a check
  • Printing a check as you write it
  • Printing checks by the bushel
  • Mistake recover
  • Find where unprinted checks go
  • Printing a checking register

CHAPTER 11: Payroll

  • Getting an employer ID number
  • Signing up for EFTPS
  • Having employees and employers do their part
  • Paying Your Employees
  • Paying Payroll Liabilities
  • Preparing Quarterly Payroll Tax Returns
  • Filing annual returns and wage statements
  • State Taxes

CHAPTER 12: Building the Perfect Budget

  • Some basic budgeting tips
  • Setting up a secret plan
  • Adjusting a secret plan
  • Forecasting Profits and Losses
  • Projecting cash flows
  • using the business planner tools

CHAPTER 13: Online with QuickBooks

  • Electronic Banking
  • Review of the other online opportunities

PART 04: Housekeeping Chores


CHAPTER 14: The Balancing Act

  • Balancing a Bank Account
  • Things to do if your non-online account
  • Not Balance

CHAPTER 15: Reporting on the State of Affairs

  • Reports
  • Creating and printing a report
  • Reports made to order
  • Processing multiple reports
  • Other reporting options
  • QuickReport

CHAPTER 16: Job Estimating, Billing, and Tracking

  • Job Costing
  • Setting up a job
  • Create job estimate
  • Revising an estimate
  • Turn an estimate to invoice
  • Compare estimated item amounts with actual item amounts
  • Charging for actual time and costs
  • Tracking job costs

CHAPTER 17: File Management Tips

  • QuickBooks backup
  • Restore backup
  • make an accountant’s copy
  • Audit trail
  • Closing password

Fixed Assets and Vehicle Lists

  • What is fixed-assets accounting?
  • Fixed-assets accounting in QuickBooks
  • Setting up a fixed asset list
  • Tracking Vehicle Mileage

PART 05: The part of tens


CHAPTER 19: Tips for handling (almost) ten tricky situations

  • Tracking depreciation
  • Selling an asset
  • Selling a depreciable asset
  • Owner’s equity in a sole proprietorship
  • Owner’s equity in a partnership
  • Owner’s equity in a corporation
  • Multiple-state accounting
  • Getting a loan
  • Repaying a loan

CHAPTER 20: Sharing QuickBooks Files

  • Sharing a QuickBooks file on a network
  • Installing QuickBooks for network use
  • Setting user permissions
  • Specifying multiuser mode
  • Working in multiuser mode